Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sunday, May 22, 2011 Typhoon

Sunday evening. You can see where the road use to be. We spent a nice quiet day at home today. We are all fine and enjoying the Wyoming rain.:)

Sunday Morning

Padlock week of the Tyhoon

Another great group of people. We got alot of work done and had a great time. They were tough and lived by the motto: GO BIG or GO HOME!
John Fort Worth, Texas
Sandy Riverside, California
Benny Nevada, sorry benny I can't remember the city

Beth Santa Barbara, California

Ike setting the table.

Chef Cooper making french toast. I couldn't do it without them. They are such a huge help.

John was the designated coffee maker.

Eating breakfast

Nothing like a good fire with friends.

Making Doughies. Everyone loved them.

Beth, Benny and Sandy

Benny helping a new born calf get across the creek to its mother.

Moving cows

Beth and Benny

Jesse, Isaac and John

The group ready to ride

The river is raging but it doesn't stop us

We are dressed for anything. This is Steve, Sandy and John. They did a 6 hour ride this day. They have been a big help in getting cows and calves moved.

Steve, Sandy is from Riverside, California and John is from Fort Worth, Texas.

This is Beth and Bennie. Beth is from Santa Barbara, California and Bennie is from Nevada.

This is what the road into the lodge looked like Friday afternoon May 20, 2011.

This is what the road looked like Saturday, May 21, 2011. This is Isaac. We could not get over it with a car.

As you can see we are all still alive and doing well..

I think she is a teletubbie.

The boys were missing Levi. :)

We are doing well and meeting wonderful people. Both those we work with and those who come as guests.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Padlock's first guests 2011

The view we look at everyday!

This is "Padlock Pat and Tina" Did you know he is a legend? We loved having them stay at the Padlock and truly feel we have gained some dear friends. Right Mate! We look forward to seeing them next year with our new round pen.

This is looking off the balcony watching Isaac as he plays with one of his friends.

Isaac, Hannah, Padlock Pat (as we lovingly nicknamed him) and Tina

Last night at the Padlock Jesse and Pat had a jam session. It was fun to listen and sing along. We are surrounded by some real talent.

Pat and Tina are quite the duo. We enjoyed listening to them sing. NICE!!! Bet you can't wait for another ride in the "Club Car"

Gathering Bulls, This was a nice break from work

Just getting ready to saddle up and start looking for bulls. There were 10 bulls in a 12,000 acre pasture that needed to be gathered and moved to another pasture. We split up. Steve and Judy found 3, Les found 1 and Cheryl and I found 3. Talk about your cowgirls!! EH :)

We are so lucky to call this work.

Little Joe and Cheryl

We Even saw a rattlesnake sitting at the den of a prairie dog. This was in a prairie dog town. It was incredible.

These are the Bulls Cheryl and I found. They were glad they brought us along!!!!


Long days, good memories, great company. Side note, --- On our way to Billings to make a Costco run we stopped at "Custer's last stand" "The Battle of Little Big Horn" for Erik my brother. I have to say it was much more interesting this time than it was 45 years ago. It was actually very interesting.

Getting down to work

Monday evening 2 angels showed up at my door in the form of my sisters. They were truly a God send and only me and God really know what a blessing they really were. Steve also has a pretty good idea. He told Les our boss that had they not come we would probably be cback home and he would be loking for another cook. Never a truer statement. So we got busy organizing the kitchen, going shopping and stocking shelves. Cheryl made the lists, kept us on track and got us thru the grocery stores. Judy told us when to stop and eat and I worked on menus. We had a fun time together working, shopping and yes even getting LOST on the dirt roads into the Lodge. Sally, our GPS just kept recalculating.


Steve and me with Bob and Karla at what will be our new home for the next several months.

Week #1 at the Padlock

Well, we are here. It is beautiful, truly God's country. Bob and Karla Bingham brought us up here and dropped us off. That was so kind of them. We had a great time visiting and telling stories. The ride was pretty quiet except for the flat tire on the horse trailer. We got the horses out, tied them to a fence, got the tire changed, put the horses back in and headed back down the rode. We arrived at the Lodge about 8:00pm and Jesses Ballantyne was there to meet us. Jesse is an amazing horse trainer, roper and great guy. He is the boss over the horse and cattle operation for the guests and who Isaac and Cooper will be working for. Steve and I will be hosting the guests and I will be preparing the meals. No Worries, I have great help.